Monday 17 December 2012

Winter favourites

With temperatures well into the minuses and dark dreary days making you feel less than enthusiastic about almost everything on your to do list, it’s important that we all take some time out to enjoy the finer things in life. These so called ‘finer things’ may just include a good book on your kindle, or a new lipstick to give you that wow factor over the festive period, but hey it’s the little things that make the biggest difference after all.  So without further ado here’s what’s keeping me sane during the stresses of winter; and you’ll be pleased to know its not all entirely music related like most things on my blog as I am also a lover of all things fashion and beauty!

Nothing screams winter like a good old cable knit. This season I’ve unintentionally become slightly obsessed with them and have counted no less than 15 jumpers in my wardrobe in all shades and styles. Perfect with a pair of skinny jeans and biker boots and finished with that statement leather jacket. An effortless outfit that remains stylish and comfortable. Perfect!

Since jumping on the Kindle bandwagon several months ago I have become a complete book worm. A mere 85p to download an Amazon bestseller which can be bought in paper back form for a tenner only to be read once and remain on a shelf collecting dust for years to come. As the Kindle v Book battle rages on, I know whose side I’m on. 

For me there’s nothing better than settling down with a cuppa and a book after a long day at work, perhaps I’m old before my time, but to me it really is the best form of relaxation.  As romantic chick flicks go I’m not the biggest of fans, but my favourite Kindle read of the moment and one that I can not recommend enough is You Had Me at Hello by Mhairi McFarlane. A cliché, but I literally couldn’t put it down. Tales of lost love and friendship during University, I was moved to tears and believe me I never cry! Well worth an e-reader download or a trip to the bookshop.
Other recommended books include:

The Love of My Life by Louise Douglas  
Monday to Friday Man by Alice Peterson 
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

For years I’ve struggled to find the perfect moisturiser, but finally after a long battle I’ve found it! The secret to my soft skin comes in the form of No 7 Essential Moisture Day Cream (Boots, £10.50) My very oily skin was prone to blemishes and spot breakouts and although I will never be completely rid of the odd spot, my skin remains much more supple and balanced and the greasy nose and chin have been banished! Well worth the investment.

Nothing screams winter better than kinky, frazzled hair drenched by the daily down pour and ruined by the 70mph winds on your treacherous walk to work.  There’s no solution to these winter hair woes but something that’s helping me to battle the elements is Aussie Colour Mate Limited Edition Shampoo and Conditioner.  Having become too friendly with the home hair dye kit over the past two years my hair had been left screaming for some attention. Not only does it protect coloured hair from chemical damage, it also leaves it looking vibrant and super shiny. The wind and rain may well succeed in destroying my hair on an almost daily basis but at least I can sleep easy at night knowing that when I set out on my morning travels it looked shiny and luscious!


Monday 3 December 2012

Life after university

Having left Southampton several months ago and rather painfully parting with my student ways, some of which I must admit I was more pleased to see the back of than others, (FYI damp, mouldy houses and grumpy landlords does not constitute as ‘living the dream’) I returned to the city last week to finally graduate!

After the initial panic of the robes and cap, and not forgetting the dreaded ‘This is Your Life’ walk in high heels, the day was a lovely celebration of the best three years of my life and a reminder that as one door closes another one, perhaps after a long wait, will eventually open.

Six months after finishing university I’m slowly starting to shift the post graduate depression. Returning home after three independent years wasn’t something I ever envisaged, but unfortunately I quickly learnt that your dream job doesn’t just land in your lap, unless you are extremely lucky of course. My naivety allowed me to assume that as soon as I graduated I’d be donning my sharp pencil skirt and crisp jacket and heading off to my £25,000 a year job in central London. I had a degree, what more could an employer ever want? How wrong I was as I sit here on a much needed day off from my full time, minimum wage job making endless cups of coffee and serving copious amounts of cake to grumpy Costa lovers. Service with a smile.
My third year of university instilled some much needed drive and determination, allowing me to see that all work and no play really does pay off; something which I keep reminding myself as I sit here tweaking my CV for the 100th time and sending off yet another application form. The only thing that helps me to stay positive about the lack of employment offers I’m receiving is the realisation that I’m not alone. Many graduates are the in the exact same shoes as me and living in hope is the only way to stop myself from hibernating until I finally receive some much needed happiness in my email inbox.

The big bad world really is as scary as I always imagined it would be. Can I go back to living the student dream in my moudly house now please?